About Bobbie
Learn about acrylic painting with artist, Agnes "Bobbie" Alsgaard-Lien of Rushmore, MN. For more information visit: http://www.pioneer.org/postcards
Artist’s Statement
Picasso states that art brushes away the dust of everyday life. JFK states that art is the one way of speaking the truth and that art is the soul of a community.
These truths have led me throughout my artistic career, my aim in the artistic world is to pass on the richness of the visual arts. To give a voice to those that often do not have a voice. To give credence to those that feel they do not know art and yet have a strong feeling about what they like and what they do not like.
For over fifty years I have been creating art and at times have questions why I continue to feel that draw to place imagery onto a surface. What draws me to this process?
Being a middle Midwestern artist places me in a dichotomy of questions, especially when the credibility of an artist is the reproduction of a photographic image. The perfect duck landing on a pond, the perfect pheasant in the cornfield or the perfect reproduction of any photographic image is the standard by which viewers assess the artist.
And…. I then return to the statement of the great masters, art washes the dust away from everyday life, art is the one way of speaking the truth and art is the soul of a community and then I create to visually delight and question my viewers.
Read more about her upbringing here.