Honors & Awards
Painting in her studio, 2015.
Appleton Public TV Interview for POSTCARDS, 2014
Prairie Star Award, Distinguished Artist, SMAHC, Marshall, MN 1998
Share Chair Project NISOD, Austin, Texas 1998
Round Table Discussion, Oxford, England 1996
Art Slides Presented, Women’s Conference, Beijing, China, WARM, 1995
Schar Excellences in Ptg Award, Nobles County Area Show, 2015
Second Place, Horse Art Barn, Sioux Falls, SD, 1999
Prairie Star Award, Distinguished Artist, SMAHC, Marshall, MN 1998
Gene Schaar, Excellence in Painting, Worthington, MN, 1986, 1993, 1999
Best of Show, Worthington, MN, 1992, 1996
Best of Show, WARM, Minneapolis, MN, 1994